Stunning Cultural Artwork along a 60km stretch of the beautiful Kaikōura coastline invite community and visitors to take a break, enjoy the views and reflect on the rich local history.


The 20 plus locations along Kaikōura coastline – from Oaro in the south to Clarence in the north – feature significant cultural artwork and are part of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s $231 million safety, resilience, access and journey reliability package.


Late 2018 the Alliance and Cultural Advisory Group (CAG)* held a hui to discuss stories of cultural significance that could be told along the coastline – the first step in this important journey.



Safe Stopping Areas


Right along the coast, these seven Safe Stopping Areas are places to pause, explore and learn the special history and cultural significance of this area.


Each of these stopping areas includes artwork with an interpretation panel giving a brief history and its cultural significance. Included are intricate graphics relating to a corresponding whakataukī (proverb) in te reo Māori. The corten steel design down the side of each panel relates to that area as does the planting with locally-sourced native seeds and plants. 



Click the map above for more details




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